Tonsillitis, as we all know, is an infection of the tonsils that can cause a sore throat, fever, and swollen lymph nodes. It can be triggered by viral or bacterial infections, such as the flu or Streptococcus bacteria. Exposure to germs, a weakened immune system, or environmental factors like pollution and dry air can also contribute to its onset. One morning, I woke up with a sharp pain in my throat, as if something was stuck there. Swallowing became so painful that even enjoying my favorite ice cream was impossible. Breathing in cold air made the discomfort worse.
By the next day, I developed a fever, adding to my misery. I consulted a doctor who confirmed it was tonsillitis and prescribed medication. Managing the illness was tough—eating was painful, and the fever left me exhausted. To cope, I rested, drank warm teas, and gargled with salt water for relief. Over-the-counter pain relievers helped manage the pain. Slowly, the symptoms began to fade, and after a few days, I was finally able to return to my normal routine. If you suspect tonsillitis, don’t wait for a fever to develop—treat it early to prevent further discomfort.