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Dr Jyoti B
Geriatrician and diabetologist

1 month ago

Fall in old age

A very common problem seen in aged people is that of falls. It can be due to slipping on surfaces, missteps, imbalance problems or some underlying medical problems. But all falls should be reviewed with doctors so we do not miss any underlying problems:
The common causes of falls in old age are as follows
  1. Arthritis— Due to old age osteoarthritis and wearing down of bones occurs and this leads to imbalance while walking and can easily cause falls on uneven surfaces. Patients of rheumatoid arthritis which affects the small joints have deformed small joints leading to easy falls.
2. Balance— Balance and equilibrium is usually maintained by the ears and eyes and the sensory organ skin. Disturbances in any of these organs can lead to improper sensing of surroundings leading to falls. For example, a person with decreased sensation in the legs due to diabetes o any other disease may not be able to sense the changing floor surface leading to falls.
3. Cerebrovascular cause– Any changes in the blood flow to various regions of brain or bleed in brain can cause onset of paralysis causing impaired walk and hence fall .This can be sudden or may slowly develop over a period of time
4. Diseases– Urinary tract infections and changes in electrolyte levels in blood can cause severe weakness leading to falls.
Hence it is important to investigate any fall or weakness in old people [people above 60 ]

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