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1 month ago

CANCER – Inspiring story of a fighter

This is my friend’s real story… very inspiring… Please read….
A few days back, a journalist friend wanted to do a story with me for World Cancer Day, on my experiences with Cancer and how did I fight it out, which I politely declined as I didn’t want to be a story and also did not have time to write at length..

Today is World Cancer Day and was happy to read a few inspiring accounts today and felt I could have done the story as it could have made some people (still struggling with the disease), somewhat assuring in their fight & struggle with the disease. Also for the last ten months, when I was dealing with advance stage of Cancer (4b), I came across at-least 15 people in close friends and known circles, who had seen it in past or are currently dealing with it. Also some close friends who are/were facing the trauma for some close relative (parents/wife/husband/in-laws) going thru the treatment..

Here is a quick, short and impromptu guide from my own personal experience of last 11 months, for the people going thru it..

1. Trust the Treatment & the Doctor : Most types of Cancers are Curable to a great extent in today’s times. With the advancement of Medical Research, the Cancer is no more a threat it used to be a few years back. TRUST it can be cured and it will be…

2. Be Happy : There is no better medicine than Happiness. Do not give it up during the treatment. No power in the world can take Happiness away from you, if you really want to be happy.. and It really works in the treatment!

3. Do not Fear : One of the most important advice came from Gulzar saab, in the very beginning of my treatment. “Forget the name of Disease and then get treated”. The name Cancer is scarier than the disease itself.. Treating it just as another disease helps magically during the treatment. If the patient take the treatment with ease, not considering it a crisis, the closer circle of patient will feel so.. will surely make the ambiance comfortable for the treatment.

4. Food : The diet control or planning what to eat, is really important during the treatment. Plan it with the Doctor/Dietitian for the specific types of Cancers. Water intake during Chemotherapy is very important. Wheat-grass Juice is also a proven effective to a great extent in certain kinds of Cancers. Roasted Alsi (Flax Seeds) or the fresh Flax-seed Oil is also certainly beneficial in the treatment of specific Cancers (blood cancer /stomach and all). Recently Tomato was found to be biggest source of Lycopene, an agent which is supposedly a very good anti-oxident and being used significantly in Drugs against Cancer.. Preliminary research has shown that people who consume tomatoes may have a lower cancer risk, possibly due to lycopene affecting mechanisms (though not established as a fact as yet). So plan food for the patient properly for a quick and better recovery. also do not take my word as is on the Food, as it worked for me but may not for everyone.. so take the advice of an expert..

5. Will to Live : Do not ever give up to the trauma of the disease and also the painful treatment. The Will is the strongest power that the patient has against the disease. With the strong Will Power, the patient can sail smoothly thru the tough times. Its a matter of Weeks, Months (or a few years for some), but with time, its something (the disease) that will be a thing of past soon.

6. Blessings of All : Take them from where-ever you can, for the patient. They carry most significant healing powers during the treatment. Will strengthen the patient like nothing else can, most of the times even better than all medicines put together.

7. Isolate but remain connected : During the chemotherapy, Isolation is a significant stage to avoid any infection, as Chemotherapy kills Good & Bad cells both causing immunity to go down significantly…
A clean room, clean bed, clean vessels, a clean cell phone, laptop (if u want to work) is very important.. All my old computers, laptops, disks, keyboards, books were ordered to be packed in cartons and I was denied the use during treatment.. It is very important that the patient does not use Cell phone of any other person to talk or listen and use his/her own set (also do not share your cell phone set with others, as it is a Major Cause of infection, from both sides, the mouth piece and listening).. Isolation also means you meet less people, wash/sanitize hands (even guests to the patient), both patient and guest wear a good quality mask.

To be honest Internet and Social Media comes as a Boon during the isolation phase, as it keeps you connected with people… Do not ever lose connect with people but take care of prevention of infection exchange during physical proximity. So Internet and Cell Phone is surely a great asset to have during the treatment…

Also One of the biggest Ally for me, all thruout my life so far, is “Music”.. playing inside, as-well-as in the air around me. so here is a inspiring song penned by Kaifi Azmi composed by Jaidev and sung beautifully by Bhupinder Singh

फिर से दौड़ेगा चलने लगेगा
लहू तन में मचलने लगेगा
दिल पे छाया है जो ये अँधेरा
ये अँधेरा भी ढलने लगेगा
तुझे चाँद पे चलते देखेगा सारा जहाँ,
सारा जहाँ

Cheers to Life!
Its the only Chance to Live… Live Well..

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