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2 months ago

Corporate Stress

I am 49 years old, working in a corporate, with 25+ years of experience. I have been passionate for my job and worked hard to reach to current Sr. Management position. While no regret, I am finding it difficult to keep pace with my work. My body isn’t supporting lately as much as it used to until couple of years ago.
Whatever easy I try to take things, mental tiredness creeps in, and believe that’s called stress, when you push your mind more than it can handle calmly.
Recently I got my health tests done and while no so-called permanent disease has happened to me yet, but few key parameters are close to that.
I have started to think that if I continue the same way, it will further worsen. And thoughts of early retirement have started coming.
I am at a crossroad of whether I shall continue with my ambition or hang the boots now.
I guess many would be in the same boat. Any suggestion from anyone?

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